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Welcome to
Trashdown House!
The suggestion bin is open!
April 15th, 2023
Since we are almost done with Neon Genesis Evangelion, we are now in need of new anime to watch! We are therefore soliciting recommendations. Please submit any anime that you’d like to watch in the survey here.
April 15th, 2023
The official Trashdown pastime is now available here (click the hidden “; )” to launch)!
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Next watch party: TBD Watched: 23 / 26+EoE
Sword Art Online (Aincrad)
Next watch party: TBD Watched: 7 / 14
Trashdown House is Ashdown House’s anime watching group. We have a Slack channel (#trashdown-house, which can be found in the workspace). The channel is open and you are welcome to join us there.