ashdown (at)
(Mandatory) This is the primary, moderated, official mailing list to which all Ashdown residents are subscribed. Emails sent to this mailing list will share important building-related announcements, policy changes, event advertisements, and more with the entire Ashdown community. After you move into Ashdown House, you will soon be added to this list. Per Ashdown policy, you must remain on this mailing list for the duration of your stay in Ashdown House. If you wish to add yourself out of interest or because you will soon be moving to Ashdown, please visit the Ashdown mailing list page. If you have moved out of Ashdown House and need to be removed from the list, please unsubscribe yourself also by using the Ashdown mailing list page.
PLEASE NOTE: You should NOT try to post personal messages such as requests for tools, announcements of moving sales, advertisements for clubs you’re a part of, etc. on Such posts will be rejected by the moderators, and you will be told to redirect your messages to ashdown-talk.
ashdown-talk (at)
(Optional) Ashdown-talk is an informal email list that is not moderated for those who have joined the list. You are encouraged to subscribe and take an active part in discussing issues at Ashdown through this list. You’re also welcome to use this list to buy and sell items, ask for information, advertise non-Ashdown events relevant to the Ashdown community, ask for tools, find sports/study buddies, and anything else. Please use common sense when posting to ashdown-talk, be concise, and be respectful of other residents. Also, please note that attachments are banned from ashdown-talk. In order to keep the byte volume low, please share documents with links instead. You may remove yourself from ashdown-talk if you choose. Please subscribe or unsubscribe by visiting the Ashdown-talk mailing list page.
ashdown-floor-X (at)
(Mandatory) These mailing lists contain the residents of each floor and may be used for announcements about floor events or floor-related building issues.
ashdown-building-X (at)
(Mandatory) Seldom used, these mailing lists organize residents by their Ashdown building number.